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MCC SANAQ Burst - A New Type of Cellulose - YouTube 

MCC SANAQ BurstBinder-Filler-Disintegrantfor tablets and pellets - 100% Microcrystalline Cellulose ...

AV Invited Lectures

What is Life?” Seminar Invitation College of Pharmacy,  University of Florida (UF), in November 2018, Gainesville


BUSINESS ETHICS: ARE NANOPARTICLES A BLESSING OR A CURSE? 8th COSIMP Mercosur Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences , XII CISDEM Forum & IV EPPGCF Research  Meeting in Pharm. Sci. Post-Graduation Program of UNIOESTE, Brazil November 2020:


Transdisciplinarity in Research and Teaching, Discussion topic at the Lake Nona Leadership Council Forum, April 2021:


The Virtual Patient and in-silico Design of Solid Dosage Forms” (12th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics & Pharma Technology, May 2021, Zoom ):


Spray Freeze-Drying for Precision Medicine and Vaccines” Swiss Pharma Science Day, August 28, 2021, Bern (Zoom):


Reichstein Award Ceremony Sept, 6. 2021 : “Congratulations from the College of Pharmacy at the University of Florida”: